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The World We Want

Joe Detelj

“I don’t know exactly what a prayer is./ I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down/ into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,/ how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,/which is what I have been doing all day.”

The beginning of this seasons harvest has come gently to Dream Catcher Farm. The garden beds are thick with verdant greens, both those we planted, and those that came up on their own accord (a nicer way of saying weeds). The cows graze in the field. Mama, the farm’s mother goose, lays on her eggs and hisses at anyone who dare come too close.

In the last few weeks, two new AmeriCorps volunteers have joined us for the summer, Haley and Morgan. Our Educational Coordinator, Laura, splits her time between lesson planning and doing farm work. Of course, Joe runs and works the farm and Jackie keeps moral high with her playful spirit. It’s a happy little ecosystem.

Clear, brilliant spring days make working outside some sort of blessing. The kind of days that make the long winter and cold spring seem so far away, the kind of days that mean schools almost over, that stir up the feeling that almost anything is possible with the summer.

Intense afternoon thunderstorms have been good for the crops and the conversation. Said Joe, “Imagine the world you want to live in. Then go create it.” “Even if its small!” concluded Jackie. That’s what Dreamcatcher Farm is- 11 acres of the world we’d like to live in. Happy Spring y’all, and thanks for being a part of this little world.

“Tell me, what else should I have done?/ Doesn’t everything die at least, and too soon?/ Tell me, what is it you plan to do/ with your one wild and precious life?” –Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

2160 Hoffa Mill Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 

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